In many ways selling online is different than selling in person - but what's not different is that it's EASY, it's ORGANIZED, and we only accept QUALITY ITEMS
Getting Started
We're so excited that you have chosen to participate in our virtual event. There are so many amazing advantages to selling online - with less work! Selling virtually is a bit different than selling in person but we think you're going to enjoy it!
If you have sold with us in person - or even at our last virtual event - you will notice that some things about our FALL 2020 event are different so please read carefully!
How Virtual Selling Works
Clean and Prep
INput Items & Pictures
Drop off ONLy the items you sell
Earn 60% of your sales
Register to Sell & Pay Sellers Fee
Join our FB Sellers group
Check accepted items and bundling guidelines. Some items can be sold individually some will be sold as bundles.
Collet items to sell
Wash, Clean, Check for quality, Check to make sure it's not recalled
Input items into our item entry form - include pictures!
Watch your items fly off our virtual shelves
Drop off your SOLD ITEMS ONLY at our drop off location
Drop off will be either September 23 or 24​
Virtual Seller Agreement
Just some business stuff so that we can all have a successful event!
As we navigate our new virtual event we have found a few things that we feel we need to state - and make sure that all sellers are in agreement with.
You will not sell items if you or a member of your family has been sick within the past 14 days
You will do your best to wash and disinfect your items before drop off.
You agree to drop off your sold items at your selected time.
You will wear a mask at drop off and adhere to current social distance guidelines
Any items that do not meet our quality or accept item guidelines will be deleted from the event. We will notify you if this happens.
If items are rejected by the buyer due to excessive wear, broken or missing parts/items, etc sellers will be charged a $10 fee per item
This is in place to encourage sellers to RIGOROUSLY check all items before selling and to prohibit sellers from trying to sneak in items that do not meet our quality standards.
If you follow our guidelines and double-check all your items we do not anticipate there is an issue
If a buyer does have an issue Whoo Consigns will determine if it's a reasonable claim and take action accordingly
If you enter items into our system we are assuming that you plan to sell those items with Whoo Consigns and Whoo Consigns only in order to ensure that those items are available for our shoppers when the event opens.
We will charge a processing fee if you need to delete an excessive amount of items after entry
NOTE:: We will NOT accept items in "grocery store bags" or non-see-through bags. If sellers drop off items in these bags they will be charged $5.00/bag
If you have any questions or would like clarification please reach out at info@whooconsigns.com
​Because buyers can't inspect items in person its important that they have confidence that they know exactly what they are buying.
Our goal with this event is to sell HIGH-QUALITY items! Shoppers will have the ability to ZOOM IN on items they will be able to tell high quality from play clothes!
Please take pictures of "problem areas" of your items...
such as the underside of shoes, backside of onesies, the seats of strollers or high chairs, bike tires, etc. This will help our shoppers have confidence the know exactly what they are paying for.
Highlight any wear, tear, or small imperfections
Worn edges on books, low tread on shoes, missing a piece to your little tykes set, size 10 but fits like size 8....I think you get the idea. the more honest you can be the better. This will also help if a buyer complains about imperfections. If you note it in the description they will bot be able to return it.
Items that DO NOT meet quality standards either in the pictures uploaded or in the quality of the item in general, will be removed.
If a buyer rejects and items at pick up due to low quality, excessive stains, broken or missing parts (that were not noted in the description), or who finds that a large number of their items are NOT as they were advertised from any one seller we will allow them to return the items. The seller of those items will not receive payment and their items will not be returned to them. Excessive violations by any one seller may result in being banned from subsequent sales.
- Register for our event using the form below
- If this is your first time selling with us you will be assigned a seller number.
Read and accept the terms of our seller agreement
Pay a small consignor fee of $12.00 to help cover part of the cost of the sale.
Sign Up for our Sellers FB group so that you can get all the updates and get tips from fellow consignors.
After you register you will receive an email with important links customized for you!
Category Information
Listed below are categories that will be accepted for our virtual event. You will notice that some categories have a minimum number of items per bundle or a Max Number of items or bundles allowed per category.
Even in our "in-person: we recommend bundling items. Buyers love to buy "sets". And in fact, we find that "sets" generally sell better than single items. Sets could mean a matching outfit, a couple of pairs of Pjs or Leggings, a doll with clothes, a couple Melissa & Doug Puzzles, an "accessories" bundle, I think you get the idea. We HIGHLY recommend bundling or selling in "lots" for our online event. We even require it some categories. Please read our categories carefully to see what is required for your items.
All items should be appropriate for the upcoming seasons and holidays or can be considered "seasonally neutral" items.
Unless otherwise noted the min. price per item/bundle is $5.00
Please Read carefully!
Buying Bundling Supplies
Carefully packaging bundles and items after inputting them into our form is going to be KEY in staying organized.
To make your life easier, we have posted some links to great products to help you package just about any bundle.
Entering Items
Item Entry Deadline is Tuesday, Sept. 14th at 7pm
This is the deadline for your items to be included in the store launch on the 16th. After the 14th we'll upload any newly entered items once a day as we have time.
Here is the quick step by step for entering items:
Print item tags.
Your personalized item tag link can be found in your registration email.
Gather Approved items
Split into bundles if required.
Enter your item in our online form:
The first time you enter items you will need to enter your email address and your seller number. ​After they will be auto-filled for you. This will happen every "session" of entering items. It's VERY IMPORTANT that you enter your email and seller number correctly. This will be required for two things. 1) that you will be able to edit your items after entry, and 2) that you will be given proper credit for the sale of your items.
Assign one item number per item or bundle. This unique item number will VERY important for accurate selling online. Be VERY careful to attach the correct item number label to the correct item.
Use the personalized tags you received when you registered to assign numbers.
Enter seller number: Example 2424
Enter item number: Example 002
A complete item number will be generated for each item. Example 2424-002
Be very accurate in your TITLE & description. Remembering to note any small imperfections, missing pieces, etc.
Enter your price for the item or bundle and decide if you would like to include the item in our half-price event.
Enter Images for your items:​
SOLID - LIGHT colored background will best highlight your items.
If hanging your items make sure they are on a solid colored background with no backlighting. This will make your clothes look dark.
â—¦ Take highlight pictures of large items such as special features or potential problem areas. This will help buyers see there are not poop stains on the seat of your stroller, the pack and play mat isn't stained, etc. Or see potential "fun" features that aren't visible from a wide view image.
â—¦ Try to arrange clothes a neatly as possible - highlighting and complete outfits if possible.
â—¦ If possible include your item tag in the picture to help verify which item has which number.
• Car seats and booster seats need to show a clear picture of the •manufacturer date• and I need •car seat waivers• emailed for each seat you enter. [ Car Seat Waiver Form - Used Car Seat Checklist ]
• Large items consider adding measurements
Package your item or bundle to prepare for sale​. See the packaging recommendations below.
Attach correct tag number to that item
I can't stress enough how important this step is! when entering many items it will get confusing trying to remember the numbers for all the items you entered. Then you'll have the potential to attache the wrong tag to the wrong item - which will lead to a buyer being delivered an item completely different than what they thought they bought. NOT FUN
Hit Submit
you'll be automatically redirected to a new item entry page so that you can continue entering items.​
If you don't want to enter any more items tat that time just close the tab​
You will be sent an email every time you enter an item with a link to enter THAT ITEM. We know that's may be a tad annoying but it's the only way to give you the flexibility to review and edit your items.​
for registered sellers only
Bundling & Item Prep Guidelines
Use these pictures as a guide for what to do and not to do when taking pictures of your bundles or items.
We require that you use see-through ziplock (or comparable) bags when bundling items. If there is a need to bundle large items you may use CLEAR trashbags.
All clothing (women and children) should be in ziplock bags with the item tag either inside the bag clearly visible or taped with packing tape to the outside of the bag.
Individual clothing items should still be bagged but may be able to fit in a smaller bag
Shoes do not need to be bagged but should be tied together securely with the tag attached to the tie. You may use bags if you can't tie the shoes together.
Large single/bulky items such as bouncers, ride ons, dollhouses, boppy pillows, etc do not need to be bagged and the item tag should be securely taped to a highly visible area on the item